Beneficiaries of the Bert Jansch Foundation Award

The Bert Jansch Foundation has already helped several promising young musicians to attend workshops, train in specific genres such as African drumming, purchase instruments, promote live performances and make studio recordings. The Foundation will follow the careers of these artists with interest.


  • Chris Brain

    Direct: for mixing and releasing his second album Steady Away 

  • Entropies band

    Direct: for HARVEST, a five-part non-stop immersive musical project.

  • Pete Shaw

    Direct: to install new mic pickup system into his electro-acoustic accordion to enable exploration of acoustic/synthesised accordion fusion

  • Nia Clarke

    Goldsmiths University: to present her end of year final performance at the Albany theatre

  • Stefanos Zafeiriadis

    Goldsmiths University: Portrait of an Acoustic Instrument

  • Behn Quartet

    Direct: Recording and release of a digital album championing lesser-known 20th-century female composers

  • Lizabett Russo

    Direct: Professional live music videos for Youtube and purchase of new guitar

Chris Brain

Chris Brain

Nia Clarke

Nia Clarke

Behn Quartet

Behn Quartet


  • Alex Ridout

    Direct: for recording her debut album with the Alex Ridout Quintet 

  • Elisabeth Salverda

    Goldsmiths University: to make radio feature about the piano-viole: the process of restoration and reinvention, how it sounds today, and her creative response.

  • Roxanna Albayati

    Direct: to study and receive training in Iranian music with Faraz Eshghi and record for the Into The Ocean project

  • Ceylan Rogers

    Goldsmiths University: for loop pedal equipment as part of extended flute techniques project

  • Louis Tsiattalou

    Goldsmiths University: for musicians’ fees for EP based on Anglo-American acoustic and folk music traditions

Alex Ridout
Ceylan Rogers
Elisabeth Salverda


Campbell Baum




  • Amy Hollinrake-Tune

    Goldsmiths, University of London: Attending special workshops in preparation for final degree show. (Also, Yamaha Voucher)

  • Calum Reid

    Newcastle University: Purchasing a new bouzouki for live performance of his own material

  • Holly Clarke

    Newcastle University: Recording First Album of Holly and The Reivers (Also, Yamaha Voucher)

  • Najia Bagi

    Goldsmiths, University of London: a collective eventVoicing the Invisible’

  • Sam Grassie

    Edinburgh, Direct: Recording the second single for his band Avocet

  • Sara Kalina

    Kracow, Poland, direct: for Studio recording of original songs and purchase of new guitar



  • Anita Okienko

    Edinburgh Napier University: Making a Professional music ‘calling card’

  • Annie Booth

    Edinburgh Napier University: Recording Debut Album ‘In An Unforgiving Light’ (Also Yamaha Voucher)





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